Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why am I in pain?

Heartburn is as American as apple pie—more than 60 million people experience it at least once a month. For some people—those with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD—heartburn can be a constant companion.

Some heartburn triggers are obvious: chili dogs, chocolate cake, Thanksgiving. But heartburn doesn’t stop and start with food alone. If you have constant heartburn, it's time to track down the real culprit.
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Watch New Product Launch From Anywhere

Reliv’s highly anticipated product launch is February 3rd, and we want to share it with the world! For those who can’t be in Atlanta in person, we’re offering a free live webcast of the event on February 3 at 8:00pm EST (7pm CST). Visit the live webcast page now and share it with everyone you know so they can save the date. Then get ready for a Reliv product like you've never seen!

Please tune in to watch this game changing announcement in the nutrition world.  Everyone can use this

To learn more about the RELIV OPPORTUNITY, CLICK HERE and play the video.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

My First Body Composition Analysis

Wow, this is kind of a surprise to see that some of my body health markers are in the yellow and red.  As         you can see, I am 60 years young,  5' 11.5" tall and 207 pounds.  I am not that overweight, but it is what's inside your body that you don't see.  

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a number calculated using your weight and height that can be used to estimate if your body weight is considered healthy.  As you can see on the report above, I am in the yellow and need to make some adjustments in my diet and exercise programs.

Body Fat Percentage is the amount of body fat in your body expressed as a proportion of your body weight.  As you can see I am border line with this reading.

Total Body Water Percentage is the amount of body fat in your body expressed as a proportion of your body weight.  I am in the green with this one.

Visceral Fat is a rating that indicates the amount of fat in your abdominal cavity.  A rating of 12 or less is considered healthy.  I am a 14-need adjustment in diet and exercise.

Physique Rating is an assessment of your physique according to the ratio of body fat and muscle mass in your body.  I am a 2.  My goal would be a 5.

Bone Mass is the mass of bone (bone mineral level, calcium, or other minerals)in your body expressed in pounds.  My bone mass is 7.6 lbs. which is in the healthy range.

The above health markers are the main ones that the average person would monitor to make adjustments in their lifestyle to improve their overall health.  The report above gives you much more, including Segmental Data for the right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, and trunk.

As you can see on the Segmental Data, my reading from my left leg versus my right leg varies.  The reason being that I had polio when I was a young kid, and my data shows that I need to pay more attention to the right leg.

With the Body Composition Monitor, you can set your goals and track your progress with monthly and Bi-monthly scans.  By reviewing your personal report, you will insure that you are trending in the right direction.

I am real excited about this new technology!

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It’s Important to Know Your Body Fat

It’s not the amount of weight you have but the amount of body fat that’s potentially
dangerous to your health.

Carrying too much body fat can increase your risk of developing serious health
problems such as high  blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes
and cancer.  Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage can reduce your risk and
help prevent the onset of these conditions.

Until now, getting a body fat reading has been expensive and time-consuming,
usually conducted only through medical and athletic facilities—or simply left to

An Inner  Body Composition Scan will give you a more complete picture of the
shape you’re in because they tell if you’re losing pounds from fat or from muscle.
An Inner  Body Composition Scan  is essential  for monitoring the progress of any
exercise and diet program.  You are provided with the facts you need to make the
right decisions, and used over time, will help you take the right steps toward a heal-
thier life.

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