Monday, March 21, 2011

Fight the Flu Inside and Out

With typical flu season knocking on our door, it’s time to go into defensive mode to protect you and your family.

External flu defenses:

1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Carry alcohol-based sanitizer with you and use it after touching shopping carts and doors.

2. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth — all pathways for viruses to enter your bloodstream.

3. Avoid crowds where viruses are easily passed through the air and on touched objects.

4. Get consistent, moderate exercise, which boosts the immune system and pumps more virus-killing immune cells throughout your body. 

5. Get plenty of sleep to keep your immune defenses at their peak and to maximize the effects of the flu vaccine. 

Internal flu defenses:

Shore up your body’s defenses through a healthy diet of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, combined with high-quality supplementation that includes the following:

1. Probiotics. These promote a healthy flora in your digestive tract as well as stimulate the immune system to help your body protect itself against colds and winter infections.

2. Vitamin A. The “anti-infective” vitamin enhances the activity of white blood cells against viruses and bacteria.

3. Vitamin B complex. Increases antibody response to maintain your body’s ability to destroy bacteria.

4. Vitamin C. Antioxidant that protects against infection and enhances immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells. It also raises levels of interferon, the antibody that prevents the entry of viruses.

5. Vitamin D. Kicks in gear an army of our body’s natural antibiotics that destroy invading microorganisms. These anti-microbials have antiviral activity and have been shown to inactivate the influenza virus. The cells lining the respiratory tract also secrete these natural antibiotics to protect the lungs from infection. 

6. Vitamin E. Enhances production of immune cells that fight infections. Research shows that people who eat vitamin E rich foods tend to have a higher immunity.

7. Selenium. Getting enough of this phytonutrient may be beneficial in containing viral epidemics because of its ability to enhance immunity to infection, prevent the spread of the virus, and build a healthier response to infection or severe inflammation.

8. Omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that essential fatty acids can boost immune function to help fight infection, illness and disease by increasing the activity of the white blood cells that eat up bacteria. These fats also help strengthen cell membranes, thereby speeding up healing and strengthening resistance to infection.

9. Zinc. Helps to prevent a weakened immune system and has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of colds. Studies have shown that a zinc deficiency can decrease the number of bacteria-fighting white blood cells and platelets. 

For a simple way to ensure you’re receiving optimal nutrients to stay healthy, turn to Reliv nutritional products. Daily shakes with Reliv Now® or Reliv Classic®, combined with FibRestore®, provide essential vitamins, minerals and herbs — including those listed above — to keep you healthier through every season. 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Fat Is Not Created Equal

Now that the holidays are over, some of us may be finding our bellies a bit bigger than they were a few weeks ago. And while a jelly belly may have looked cute on Santa, it can signal increased risk for health problems in the rest of us — starting with metabolic syndrome. Extra weight around the middle is more dangerous than fat around your hips and thighs. Belly fat, which is visceral fat, is associated with inflammation and a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

All fat is not equal. Subcutaneous fat is found all over our body, but is most noticeable on the hips and thighs. It’s the protective wrap over the body just under the outer layer of skin.

Visceral fat is located between the organs, tucked deep in your waistline, and contributes to belly fat. Visceral fat may contribute to insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, high blood pressure and elevated triglyceride levels — all components of metabolic syndrome.

Good News: Belly Fat Is the First to Go!

Now for the good news. Platters of cookies and gallons of cocoa aside, belly fat is the easiest type to lose. Most people will lose first from the middle area and upper body before anywhere else. That’s because visceral fat is more metabolically active than subcutaneous fat. Not only that, experts say the more weight you have to lose, the faster you’re likely to start losing belly fat. How’s that for motivation?

Whole Grains are the Ultimate Belly Blaster

To mobilize belly fat stores, eat plenty of high-fiber whole grains while reducing refined carbohydrates. Refined foods like white bread trigger elevated blood sugar levels. That results in an increased insulin response, which can cause fat to be deposited more readily. But whole grains help the body use blood glucose more efficiently and lower blood glucose levels to reduce fat deposits.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommends that half of your grain servings come from whole grains. You should set a goal of incorporating more whole grains into your diet by replacing refined food with whole grain wherever possible. And since whole grains are high in fiber, you tend to stay satisfied longer to help you eat less.

So now it’s truth time. Is your waist larger than 40 inches if you’re a man, or 35 inches if you’re a woman? If so, you have too much belly fat and might be at risk for heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. Make sure to put losing weight on your list of New Year’s resolutions to have a happy, healthier New Year.

Give Belly Fat the One-Two Punch

Reliv offers two powerful, effective ways to combat belly fat and the health problems that come with it: the Slimplicity® Weight Loss System and GlucAffect™ nutritional supplement. This dual approach to a healthy weight management can affect your overall health in dramatic ways.

Slimplicity consists of a satisfying meal replacement shake and Accelerator capsules. Both are chock-full of proven weight loss ingredients that keep your metabolism stoked and your appetite in check. The system also includes a pedometer and exercise and food journal so you’re set up for long-term, healthier living.

GlucAffect is a revolutionary formula that brings together — for the first time ever — many of nutrition science’s most cutting-edge ingredients, each of them clinically shown to address blood sugar management and related health conditions. In addition, the GlucAffect formula has been clinically shown to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and support weight loss.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Get a Nutrition Tune-Up

Most likely, you maintain your car with oil changes and other preventive services to keep it running smoothly for as long as possible. But is your body also on a maintenance and prevention plan so it runs at its peak and lasts longer? Good nutrition is vital to your long-term health and your quality of life. Starting today, give yourself a regular nutrition tune-up.

Add more of:

Whole grains. Choose fiber-filled whole grain bread, cereals, brown rice and whole wheat pasta. You’ll feel more satiated and benefit from the added fiber and nutrition that are retained in whole grain foods.

Colorful vegetables. The rainbow of veggie colors, especially dark green, red and orange, pack potent nutrients.

Fruits in nearly any form. Fresh, frozen or canned are all good options but beware canned fruit in syrup since it’s high in sugar.

Calcium and vitamin D. Go for low-fat or fat-free versions of milk, yogurt and cheese. Or choose fortified soy beverages. Supplements can meet your intake goals of calcium and vitamin D too.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Look for canola, corn, olive, peanut or soybean oil, or plant-based foods such as nuts, seeds, avocados and olives. These are healthy fat options to replace solid, saturated fats.

Seafood. Swap out meat and poultry more often with a variety of fish and seafood for a boost in omega-3s.

Cut back on:

Sodium. Don’t exceed 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day — or just 1,500 mg per day if you’re over age 51; are African-American; or have a history of high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or diabetes. Sodium is high in many processed foods and canned goods such as soups.

Sugar. The American Heart Association says high intake of added sugars is linked to many health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Women should limit their sugar intake to about 6 teaspoons of sugar a day; the limit for men is 9 teaspoons. Keep in mind sugar is in many foods and drinks. Just one 12-ounce can of cola has about 8 teaspoons of sugar — maxing out your sugar limit. Sugar is known on food labels by many names including sucrose, fructose, lactose or syrup.

Solid fats, especially trans fats. Skip fatty animal-based foods such as bacon, poultry skin, butter and whole milk products. Also avoid foods with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (read: trans fats) often found in cookies, donuts and crackers.

Refined grains. White bread, white rice and many commercial cereals have had the fiber and many nutrients stripped away and act like sugar in the body. Choose whole grains instead.

Canned Tune-Up

An easy way to keep your body running in optimum condition is to fuel it with the premium, balanced nutrition of Reliv nutritional supplements. In addition to supplying essential vitamins and minerals, many Reliv products such as Reliv Classic® and Reliv Now® are rich in healthy soy protein.

Reliv also helps you cut back your sugar intake with zero-calorieliv Reables® All-Natural Sweetener. Slash your sodium intake by choosing Relivables® Soy Nuts to snack on rather than chips or other high-sodium snacks. The lightly salted soy nuts are low in sodium, cholesterol-free and are an excellent source of fiber and non-GMO protein. They’re also dry roasted rather than fried in oil and have no trans fats.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two Vital Steps to Protect Your Heart

Heart health is part genetics, part diet and lifestyle. While you can’t change your family tree, you can make an impact on risk factors for heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Getting regular exercise and eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber are also heart-smart steps.

Let’s focus on two heart disease risk factors where you can make a difference: cholesterol and blood pressure. It may be easier to impact these than you thought…

Control Cholesterol.

Your risk for a heart attack rises with your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol builds up and narrows your arteries and makes them less flexible. To counter cholesterol, make plant sterols your friend. Plant sterols are found naturally in some vegetable oils, nuts, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Soy is a significant source of plant sterols.

Plant sterols have been shown to reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 20 percent in people with metabolic syndrome even if they continued eating a typical “Western” diet. The study showed those taking daily doses of plant sterols also dropped their total cholesterol by 16 percent, and their triglyceride levels by 19 percent.

Reliv’s CardioSentials®, loaded with plant sterols and other heart-smart nutrients, has been clinically shown to reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides for people with high cholesterol, as well as increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol and reduce blood glucose levels.

While soy benefits heart health because of its plant sterols and other antioxidants, the impact of soy and fiber together are even more powerful. One of fiber’s key heart benefits is reducing cholesterol. The combination of fiber-rich FibRestore® and soy-based Reliv Now® create a one-two punch against cholesterol. A clinical study found these products together reduce average cholesterol by 14 percent while they also reduce LDL, triglycerides, and uric acid.

Bring Down Blood Pressure.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for developing heart disease and significantly increases stroke risk. One easy way to lower blood pressure is to bump up your soy intake. A combination of studies has shown taking soy isoflavones with soy protein each day lowers blood pressure as much as taking blood pressure medication.

Studies also show fiber can help reduce or even prevent high blood pressure. A Harvard study showed an intake of 24 grams/day or more of fiber provided significant protection against developing high blood pressure. FibRestore contains 10 grams of fiber in each serving to put you well on your way to reaching your optimum fiber count.

Get Your Heart Pumping

Your heart also needs a regular workout. Studies show adding at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three or more times a week can increase your HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 5-10 percent and lower your triglycerides.
For motivation, support and fun, join the Team Reliv Fitness Club to help reach your exercise goals. Join anywhere, anytime. It’s open to all Reliv Distributors and customers and offers prizes and a way for you to track your progress to better health.

Then add 24K™ to your daily routine to give you the healthy energy you need to literally go the extra mile. Its synergistic blend of 24 active ingredients in a caffeine-free, ready-to-drink shot provides energy, focus and stress relief — all important factors in heart health. Many of the ingredients, such as omega-3, CoQ10 and resveratrol, are proven heart helpers too.

Reliv’s nutritional products offer a variety of healthy solutions to benefit your heart — and the rest of your body.

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