Monday, February 28, 2011

Take Steps to Improve Cholesterol

Many people nonchalantly visit the doctor for a routine check-up, have a few blood tests, and then whamo! Much to their surprise, they find out they have high cholesterol.

High cholesterol doesn’t offer any outward symptoms to send up a red flag that there’s a problem. But, along with high blood pressure, it’s a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Cholesterol problems are known as lipid abnormalities, which include high total cholesterol, high LDL (“bad cholesterol”), low HDL (“good cholesterol) and high triglycerides.

Physicians often prescribe medications called statins to lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, while statins can be beneficial, they also can cause unpleasant side effects such as muscle pain or weakness, liver damage, headaches and digestive problems.

In addition to medication, physicians often recommend exercise and dietary changes to patients to improve their cholesterol levels. Adding at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three or more times a week can increase your “good” (HDL) cholesterol by 5-10 percent and lower triglycerides.

Certain foods can also help improve cholesterol levels, including:
• Avocados
• Barley
• Beans and lentils
• Fish
• Fresh vegetables and fruits, especially blueberries
• Oats and other whole grains
• Healthy fats such as olive oil, fish oil, flax
• Garlic
• Nuts and seeds, especially walnuts and almonds

Another Healthy Option

A healthier diet and regular exercise can definitely help your cholesterol levels. But here’s the kicker: Most studies and long-term follow-ups find most people fail to follow this lifestyle prescription. They may just rely on medication that sometimes still doesn’t lower cholesterol enough.

An easy way to further improve cholesterol levels — even if you also take statins — is through nutritional supplements. Soy and fiber each have been proven to improve lipid abnormalities and, in turn, benefit heart health. A recent multi-center, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study of Reliv Now® and FibRestore® found that these two nutritional supplements lowered risk factors for cardiovascular disease. See the study results.

Reliv’s CardioSentials® takes it a step further and works on multiple levels to support total heart health. CardioSentials has been clinically shown to reduce total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides for people with high cholesterol, as well as increase HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce blood glucose levels. Phytosterols help moderate cholesterol levels; policosanol helps maintain normal cholesterol and improve coronary blood flow; and an array of potent antioxidants help protect arterial walls and reduce lipid oxidation. View CardioSentials clinical study.

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Information in this article provided by Reliv International at

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Happiness and Health Go Hand in Hand

Are you a glass half-empty or half-full kind of person? Hopefully, it’s the latter. Being positive and looking at the sunny side of life can keep you healthier, research is telling us.

One study found people who are happy, lively, or exhibit other positive emotions are less likely to get sick when they’re exposed to a cold virus. Researchers also found that when happy people contract a virus, they report fewer symptoms.

Stay Positive

So can you talk yourself into staying well? Maybe. This coming flu season, focus on wellness and tell yourself you refuse to get the flu rather than “I always get the flu this time of year.” One study shows a positive attitude produced greater amounts of flu antibodies. Yet another study showed being positive helps your body produce more antibodies in response to vaccinations. Researchers believe the brain and immune system have an open, active communications line.

Studies also show health benefits of other positive characteristics. For example, showing compassion improves the immune system, while people who are forgiving and don’t hang onto their anger have fewer heart problems.

Have a Happy Heart

Supporting this, a Columbia University study showed happy people had less risk of heart disease over 10 years — quite simply, people with high levels of satisfaction had fewer heart attacks. The risk goes down for many reasons. In general, happier people engage in more heart-healthy behavior such as getting adequate sleep, not smoking and eating a nutritious diet. Also, while people are happy, their stress hormones decrease, blood pressure lowers, and the heart slows down. So by spending more time happy and relaxed, you protect your heart.

8 Happiness Boosters

For better overall health, kick that cynical, negative attitude to the curb. Here are some steps to feel happier and be more positive.

1. Pet a pet. Whether it’s a dog or cat, petting a furry friend releases feel-good hormones and lowers stress hormones.

2. Make yourself smile. Even when you don’t feel like it, smile. One smile leads to more smiles. And just smiling activates the happiness centers in the brain.

3. Reach out. Hold hands or give a hug. Human touch releases positive hormones, reduces blood pressure and heart rate.

4. Get creative. Creating artwork or writing in a journal to express negative feelings actually makes you happier by distracting you from the negativity.

5. Hang out with positive people. Happiness spreads in social networks.

6. See the light. Skip the news or violent television shows and movies and opt for funny, enlightening and uplifting entertainment instead.

7. Get a fresh air fix. Take time to appreciate the wonder of nature. One study shows interaction with nature reduces depression, promotes healing, sparks creativity and even increases life expectancy. And a Swedish study found people who ran in parks felt 15 percent more restored than those who ran on treadmills or in the city.

8. Nourish from the inside out.
Putting the right nutrition into your body helps your mind and body function at its best so happiness can shine through. Eat a healthy diet abundant with fruits, vegetables and whole grains and add Reliv shakes to your day for balanced nutrition rich in stress-reducing, health-promoting ingredients. 

Right now, many people are wrapped in the throes of colds and flu. Sneezing, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, stuffed sinuses and fever knock people out of their routines and leave them tired and miserable. While visiting viruses cause colds and flu, some people seem to get sick more often and more severely than others. Why? People get sick more easily — and more severely — thanks to stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition. What you put into your body is key to keeping you healthy. Good nutrition strengthens your immunity to fight viruses (and disease) and helps you get better faster.

Build a Strong Defense

Work in these foods to keep your body in ideal "fightin' form."

Pump up the protein. Protein helps your body maintain and build strength. Many protein-packed foods also contain vitamins B6 and B12, which are key to fueling a healthy immune system. High protein foods also are rich in immunity-building minerals such as selenium and zinc.

Get fruity. The bright colors in fruits called flavonoids add both beauty and powerful nutrition. In addition to fruits’ generous supply of vitamin C, the soft white skin in citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes are loaded with flavonoids that kick the immune system into high gear. Pulpy orange juice is also a good way to boost immunity and speed recovery if you do get sick.

Bet on the green team. Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli and cabbage contain a powerful, infection-fighting antioxidant called glutathione. Watercress and arugula also may have antiviral effects and can help relieve chest congestion and coughs.

There, There…

If you do get sick, add these soothing solutions to your diet to help you feel better faster.

Take comfort in chicken soup. Used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, chicken soup really does make you feel better, especially if you sneak in more garlic. Yet even commercially prepared soup works. Research has shown chicken soup reduces cold symptoms with its anti-inflammatory effects. So put Grandma on speed dial…

Drink warm beverages. Black tea or tea with honey can help open congested airways and soothe a sore throat. Black tea also helps your nasal passages expel germs faster.

Spoon up the honey. In addition to soothing a sore throat, honey has been shown to be as effective as cough medicine for calming a cough. (Don’t give honey to children under age 1.)

Keep Your Body Well Fueled

After an illness, you need to rebuild your strength and nutrient storehouse more than ever. Otherwise, you leave yourself more vulnerable to the next round of viruses heading your way. To keep your body strong, healthy and more illness-resistant, fuel it with the balanced, optimum nutrition found in Reliv Classic® or Reliv Now®. Two shakes a day of Reliv nutritional supplements combined with eating a variety of fresh, whole foods will ensure your body receives the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients it craves to function its best all year round.

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Information in this article provided by Reliv International at

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shake Off Colds and Flu

Right now, many people are wrapped in the throes of colds and flu. Sneezing, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, stuffed sinuses and fever knock people out of their routines and leave them tired and miserable. While visiting viruses cause colds and flu, some people seem to get sick more often and more severely than others. Why? People get sick more easily — and more severely — thanks to stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition. What you put into your body is key to keeping you healthy. Good nutrition strengthens your immunity to fight viruses (and disease) and helps you get better faster.

Build a Strong Defense

Work in these foods to keep your body in ideal "fightin' form."

Pump up the protein. Protein helps your body maintain and build strength. Many protein-packed foods also contain vitamins B6 and B12, which are key to fueling a healthy immune system. High protein foods also are rich in immunity-building minerals such as selenium and zinc.

Get fruity. The bright colors in fruits called flavonoids add both beauty and powerful nutrition. In addition to fruits’ generous supply of vitamin C, the soft white skin in citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes are loaded with flavonoids that kick the immune system into high gear. Pulpy orange juice is also a good way to boost immunity and speed recovery if you do get sick.

Bet on the green team. Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli and cabbage contain a powerful, infection-fighting antioxidant called glutathione. Watercress and arugula also may have antiviral effects and can help relieve chest congestion and coughs.

There, There…

If you do get sick, add these soothing solutions to your diet to help you feel better faster.

Take comfort in chicken soup. Used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, chicken soup really does make you feel better, especially if you sneak in more garlic. Yet even commercially prepared soup works. Research has shown chicken soup reduces cold symptoms with its anti-inflammatory effects. So put Grandma on speed dial…

Drink warm beverages. Black tea or tea with honey can help open congested airways and soothe a sore throat. Black tea also helps your nasal passages expel germs faster.

Spoon up the honey. In addition to soothing a sore throat, honey has been shown to be as effective as cough medicine for calming a cough. (Don’t give honey to children under age 1.)

Keep Your Body Well Fueled

After an illness, you need to rebuild your strength and nutrient storehouse more than ever. Otherwise, you leave yourself more vulnerable to the next round of viruses heading your way. To keep your body strong, healthy and more illness-resistant, fuel it with the balanced, optimum nutrition found in Reliv Classic® or Reliv Now®. Two shakes a day of Reliv nutritional supplements combined with eating a variety of fresh, whole foods will ensure your body receives the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients it craves to function its best all year round.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Healthy Alternative

We’re not doing our bodies any favors when we consume the most popular, caffeine-packed energy drinks. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, muscles, and the blood pressure control centers, providing an artificial lift to make you feel like you have more energy.
Caffeine intake can lead to jitters and a “crashing” feeling once the stimulant wears off, leaving you more exhausted than you were before. Excessive intake can lead to more serious problems: unhealthy heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, difficulty sleeping and withdrawal symptoms. In fact, the Mayo Clinic advises that serious medical problems such as fainting or heart attack can occur if massive amounts of caffeinated energy drinks are consumed before vigorous exercise.

24K, meanwhile, contains 24 powerful — and healthy — ingredients backed by clinical research to tap into your body’s natural vitality and promote peak performance. These include:
  • Beta Alanine–reduces fatigue and improves strength and endurance
  • L-Carnitine–helps turn fat into energy
  • CoenzymeQ10–brain enhancing nutrient that converts fat into energy
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids–gives better focus right now and better memory later
  • Reveratrol–improves blood flow to the brain, helps combat “brain fog” with improved performance and focus
  • Taurine–reduces brain plaque build up in the brain which leads to Alzheimer’s and brain disorders
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine–amino acid, naturally helps body produce energy, aids in fighting mental disorders, important for heart, brain function, and muscle movement
  • Alpha GPC–helps brain transmission, helps memory and learning functions
  • Blueberry Extract–memory development & retention, antioxidant, fights free radicals
  • Huperzine A–improves brain performance, memory and learning development, used to fight Alzheimer’s disease
  • Choline–helps with brain development, prevents memory loss, prevents liver damage, may lower cholesterol and protect against cancers
  • Curcumin–pain relieving, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, great for the liver and heart.
  • Ginko Biloba–helps blood flow circulation
  • Grape Seed Extract–overcomes cognitive decline, aids in circulation, it’s an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, & antioxidant
  • Inosital–helps mood and actions, helps neuro transmitters, may help with things like panic, depression, diabetes and liver issues among other things
  • Vinpocetine–improves blood flow & energy in cells, may help dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Phosphatidylserine–blood flow neurotransmitter release, increases metabolism throughout your entire brain
  • GABA–a neurotransmitter that controls the brain theta waves, helps mood, increases endorphins and reduces anxiety
  • L-Theanine–stimulates production of alpha waves which puts you in a good mood
  • Serenzo–reduces stress
  • Neuravena–helps mental fitness, helps deal with stressful situations
  • Valerian Root–produces energy with the jitters, gives a alert relaxation, and helps body relieve stress
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Break the Fatigue Cycle
Our daily activities zap our energy and can leave us feeling worn out, unfocused and stressed. 24K™ offers a healthy new solution by addressing the underlying problem — the fatigue cycle.
Physical fatigue and mental fog go hand-in-hand, and stress is a leading contributor to both. These three factors continue in a vicious cycle, leaving you feeling exhausted and unable to get the most out of your day. To be truly effective, a formula must address all three of them.
24K’s comprehensive formula targets the entire fatigue cycle. Rather than masking symptoms with stimulants, 24K nourishes your body with 24 clinically proven ingredients that work synergistically to provide the fuel for healthy, real energy.

Healthy energy for body, mind, and spirit
Everyone knows what it feels like to be tired. But more and more Americans aren’t just tired; they’re exhausted — both mentally and physically. Our schedules continue to get busier as we strive to balance work, school, family and everything else we do. We need added energy more than ever before. 
It’s no surprise then that the energy drink market is booming. Unfortunately, most people turn to energy products containing stimulants that can do more harm than good. Loaded with caffeine, these products provide an artificial lift leading to an inevitable crash. That’s not to mention the potential for an accelerated heart rate, anxiety, trouble sleeping and even withdrawal. In fact, the levels of caffeine in some popular energy drinks have many regulatory authorities concerned in several countries worldwide, prompting more strict regulations and warning labeling. 
At Reliv, we felt compelled to provide a healthy alternative. Meet 24K, our first ready-to-drink product and a healthy way to deliver real energy through real nutrition. Rather than relying on stimulants, 24K contains 24 health-promoting ingredients proven to address all three factors in the fatigue cycle: physical fatigue, mental fog and stress. 
No other product on the market delivers the nutritional punch of 24K. Just compare labels and see for yourself. If you’re looking for a healthy source of energy for body, mind and spirit, this is your shot!

Your Questions Answered

Reliv set out to develop 24K for a simple reason: a lack of healthy options in the widely popular energy drink market. And there are even fewer products that also address mental focus and stress relief. Countless products promise energy, but how that energy is delivered — through caffeine and loads of sugar — can be unhealthy. These stimulants only mask symptoms and fail to address the root of the problem: the fatigue cycle.
Led by Dr. Carl Hastings, Reliv’s product development team selected the cutting-edge ingredients in 24K based on the most up-to-date clinical studies available. These ingredients were then formulated to work synergistically to address contributing factors to mental and physical fatigue, such as the way our bodies naturally produce energy, brain cell function and blood flow to the brain.

When we say 24K is a game changer, we mean it. Reliv has created a real solution to the fatigue cycle. There is nothing like 24K anywhere else on the market — it’s the healthiest energy shot available today.

Contact More information can be found at our website CLICK HERE , or by contacting Tom Groves, Toll Free at (855)988-5677, or

To your health,
Dr. Carl W. Hastings, Reliv Vice Chairman & Chief Scientific Officer
Source: Reliv International

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reliv 24K Fact Sheet

  • Reliv 24K is the only shot on the market to provide healthy energy and greater mental focus while also reducing stress.
  • Reliv 24K is the first product created specifically to address the fatigue cycle, which is comprised of physical fatigue and mental fog, with stress as a contributing factor to both.
  • The name derives from the product’s 24 active ingredients.
  • Energy drinks represent a $7.6 billion market; energy shots account for $560 million in annual sales and triple-digit growth.
  • Energy drinks are the fastest growing category in functional foods
  • Demand is great across demographics, but it is especially strong among adults ages 18 to 29
  • Supplements geared to mental focus recently accounted for $385 million in sales, and purchases of memory or brain performance supplements doubled in the past two years.
  • A serving size of Reliv 24K contains one ounce, has five calories and no caffeine.
  • The product comes in two packages: a 28-ounce bottle and two-ounce double shots for on-the-go convenience.
  • Ingredients include omega-3 fatty acids; resveratrol; B vitamins; coenzyme Q10; valerian root and other ingredients clinically shown to support energy production, mental clarity and stress relief.
View the video to learn more about 24K Energy.
Contact More information can be found at our website CLICK HERE , or by contacting Tom Groves, Toll Free at (855)988-5677, or
All information provided by Reliv International and their website at

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reliv Kalogris Foundation Achieves Record Donations in 2010

The Reliv Kalogris Foundation announced that donors gave a record $1.2 million in 2010 to provide free nutritional supplements to 42,000 people everyday in 10 countries.

In addition, the Foundation donated funds to build a feeding center in the Philippines during 2010, and funds for an orphanage in northern Haiti. The orphanage project is under construction. The organization provides free supplements to those who use the feeding center and will provide products to those who will live in the orphanage.

The Foundation raised the funds for the buildings at its fourth annual “Walk for the Mission” in St. Louis last summer. More than 2,000 Reliv distributors participated in the event and raised in excess of $40,000.

Following the earthquake in Haiti last winter, the Reliv Foundation made a special donation of $450,000 in Reliv nutritional supplements to earthquake relief efforts.

The Reliv Foundation distributes approximately 95 percent of all donations to more than 270 feeding centers in 10 countries. Reliv International covers the administrative costs and the salaries of the organization’s employees.

Since 1995, the Foundation has donated approximately $26 million to programs that support malnourished people.

Until recently, the Reliv Foundation took donations solely from Reliv distributors and employees. At the request of the company’s distributors, the Foundation established the Network to Nourish program during 2010. The program, registered in 48 states, enables the organization to accept donations from any individual.

About the Reliv Kalogris Foundation

The Reliv Kalogris Foundation is named for the late Dr. Theodore “Ted” Kalogris, who created the nutritional formula that would become Reliv International’s first product. The Reliv Kalogris Foundation was founded in 1995. For more information, you can find us on Facebook, or visit
All information on this post provided by

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follow the Gold Standard for health and well being...

Is stress derailing your ability to get things done in a day? Zapping your energy? Making your mind foggy? Beyond finding better ways to manage your stress, such as getting more sleep, exercising, and taking time to relax and have fun, the lack of certain nutrients in your diet could be making the physical effects of stress worse. If you're feeling enough stress to cause fatigue, you're on the pathway to poor health.

Stress hormones can deplete the body of vitamins and start the snowball effect of fatigue, anxiety and mental haze. Here are just a few of the nutrients you need to combat stress, clear the fog and amp up energy.

Boost the Bs

Topping the list of energy superstars are the B complex vitamins, which include B6, B12 and folate. These vitamins are essential to help your cells carry oxygen to your brain and to keep you energized. B vitamins also help metabolize carbohydrates, a key source of fuel for your body.

Go for Omega-3

Essential fatty acids like omega-3 can reduce many stress symptoms and counter some of the damaging effects of high levels of stress hormones in the body, according to research.

Some evidence even ties the lack of omega-3 in our diets with the increase in depression in our society today. Omega-3 has been shown to regulate mood and improve mental clarity.

Run with Resveratrol

Resveratrol, found in red grape skin, helps muscles use oxygen more efficiently to enhance performance. Because energy is processed more efficiently, you're able to work out longer and more intensely. Dare we say, your workouts could actually be easier?

Charge Up with Coenzyme Q10

Research shows CoQ10 (conenzyme Q10) boosts cell energy production and as a result can improve athletic performance. In addition, CoQ10 has even been shown to enhance physical activity in people with fatigue syndromes.

This is Your Shot

Your simple solution to stress and energy shortfalls is at hand. Whether you're running kids around, running a business, or running a 5K, you can power through every day with new 24K™ from Reliv. Formulated with a synergistic blend of 24 active ingredients (including the four described above), 24K provides energy, focus and stress relief. And with no caffeine and only 5 calories per serving, it's healthy energy for body, mind and spirit.

No jitters. No energy crashes. 24K is the gold standard to kick start your day, pump up workouts, improve concentration and prevent that midday slump.

Enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle with  Reliv.

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